Daniel Joseph

No kidding!! Dark Matter is so much better. It isn’t at the level as The Expanse but it is worlds away in quality from Killjoys.

Chocked full.

Also getting some real you-can-never-go-home-again foreshadowing vibes.

I had to reread the article to realize he never mentions the reasons for this is because of the greedy rich. He lays blame at "upper-middle-class" instead of MUCH farther up the class/economic ladder. (He does make valid points, he just stops his rational arguement way before it's logical conclusion)

That was my very first thought as well. Then I reread the whole thing and realized he isn't REALLY addressing the fact that this stems from money and financial class not education/culture. I mean, he is right but he is laying blame at "upper-middle-class" instead of much higher up the chain. At least, that is how I am

Automatic and Sexuality are great. And the full version of Thieves in the Temple is also awesome. If we're talking about official music videos. There's a ton of great tv performances too. Dolphin on Letterman was cool.

I actually want to win this contest! The record player is ok, but I'd love to have some Ani on vinyl!