Typical display of anti-intellectualism.
Typical display of anti-intellectualism.
Have you read the Culture of Critique? He makes a good case.
I happen to agree with Dr. MacDonald about the Jews. Interestingly enough nobody has published anything that attempts to refute his work, they just call him names.
I'm just saying, violently attacking people can have some unpleasant consequences. Trayvon Martin learned this.
I've heard him speak and I am familiar with NPI, and Radix Journal. None of it has to do with saying the White man is the Ubermensch, it's mostly ethno-nationalism, wanting a White nation. One could be less than other people, equal to other people, or better than other people, and still want an ethno-state.
Hey if you get attacked by violent communists, you've got a right to defend yourself. Lethally, if in a 'stand your ground' state.
How is he a 'supremacist'? When has he ever promoted the idea of supremacy?
What is "Nazi ideology"?
How exactly is he a 'nazi'?
Where exactly did he claim supremacy of the White race, or advocate genocide?
Mr. Spencer is not a member of the NSDAP.
Your entire post wasn't worth responding to, it was facile moralizing. You're attempting to make the case that Richard is some kind of existential threat to protected classes therefore it's okay to physically assault him, even though you can listen to and read all of what he's spoken or written and he hasn't ever…
Richard Spencer gets called a 'Nazi' for having the same opinions on race that people who fought the actual Nazis had. Your argument is not logically consistent. Winston Churchill wanted the Conservative party's slogan to be "Keep England White", was he a Nazi?
Would you though? Let's say you had a crowbar.
If you could kill Richard Spencer, would you?
I dig the rhetorical style, keep it up.
What do you have against law and order?
Why does law and order with a White supermajority "creep you out"?