
He is like a cringey quote factory, but in a way that's so over the top it's almost charming? Ex:
"If you can find a girl who you can go to an EDM concert with, have a conversation with, who will sit on the couch and watch you play GTA for three hours — and then you go to bed and have amazing sex? That should be your

Haha oops, yes you are right I definitely meant Push!

I read the book Precious as part of a mother-daughter book club I was in as a tween. I think it was really good, although some of the more disturbing lines unfortunately got permanently lodged in my brain. I could never bring myself to watch the movie lest it take away from my memory of the book. But I love

Good question. No, I don't think that's fair (and I don't think anyone said that! See ShulkieSmash's comment that body positivity should apply to all bodies — I totally agree with that). I think what got this whole thing rolling was Catrina_woman's comment that "Her theme of empowerment is at the expensive of "thin

Exactly! "Real women have curves" = rude, reductive, inane, hurtful…but way, way less of an issue than, say, interviewers automatically assuming you're lazy because of how you look, researchers debating the effectiveness of shaming you as a way to fix the problem of your existence, shots of your body being used as a

I now love it just for the hilariously brutal comments (which, in a sort of amusing twist, provide the feeling the feature itself is trying for).

Gasp! Is that why, when I just watched it last week, the captions were way behind the action (have been doing all my re-watches with captions on to catch little lines I may have missed before, yes I am a dork).

I happen to be re-watching now and I think the biggest "show seems to think Xander is being good but he's really being a huge douche" is when he lambastes Buffy for sleeping with Spike, as if that's something she did to HIM, or he has some claim to her sexuality. Ugh.

Eeeew. How insufferable was the person who held that title? I'm guessing very.

Oops, I thought I replied to this earlier. No, not me!

Just the same name, I'd never heard of that before but now I looked it up and it seems cool!

Yes, I went back and watched some older ones and the real Sookie had a higher more energetic voice. I guess it's possible her voice deepened or got more gravely over time? But I think it's more her comedic style changed since she's had so much other work since then and she didn't bother to brush up much on how

Oh, nothing in and of itself but just that the whole thing was played like the audience was supposed to find it charming.

I feel like I'm still unclear on when it became officially not a dream. The bar didn't seem like it could possibly be real, and weren't they already drinking before hopping into that old car? I couldn't stop thinking "Wait, if it's not a dream then they're drunk driving…so it must be a dream…" but then it wasn't?!

I was flip flopping on the musical but then decided that it totally fits in with the grand tradition of "'Buckle Up, I'm Patty" focus group testing and the bizarre Stars Hollow Museum mannequins. So I got on board.

Yes, plus she's the only one who has kids that are no doubt being fucked up super much by her antics and her weird family arrangement

Eugene Gremby and U. Jean Gremby! Very wool. Relatedly, trying to list everyone who's ever had a guest appearance on 30 Rock is a good falling asleep exercise.

I saw this when he was on tour. A coworker happened to be stopping by my desk as I was buying tickets and literally said "From Arrested Development? I love that guy…Tobias! What's his standup like, does he just like do the characters?" And I said definitely not, and tried to explain, but he still bought tickets.

Yeah, the fact that he lowered the rate three or four times under almost no pressure shows that he does care about Naz, at least $25,000 worth

I'm sure this will be an unpopular opinion but I think it's not just the eczema, but Turturro himself that doesn't quite fit with the overall vibe and the other performances. Box and Naz are both somewhat inscrutable, maybe deceptively placid, and then Stone is more of Big Character whose performance seems out of