
I am not sure the book ever explains WHY Amy is how she is, other than give one a little more insight into "her" story in the first half of the book. It was still all lies, but the POV's between she and Nick was still more balanced so that when the second half of the book started, it was a little bit of a shock to see

I don't really think I rooted for either of them. And I thought that Amy was a bit more ambiguous in the first half of the book than in the film. But to me it was still clear there was something really off with her.
I guess if you were rooting for Nick in the book it was more about who was the least bad. Nick was not

Yep. You nailed a couple of problems with the film. Or should I say how the film and book differs. If anything IMO the film goes out of it's way to make Nick a lot more sympathetic and you are correct about Desi. There is really only one short scene in the film where I can feel the creepiness ooze out of him where in

I am glad you said it because I found this to be the one main flaw in the film. I don't know if the film was really able to show the 2 POV's as well as the book did, but actually having the narrative in the book spoken/written by that character really worked well. Amy is nuts and while the book was a bit more

I don't know why folks are taking issue with the author of this piece. Readers of the book and Flynn herself have IMO tried to make this story a loftier picture of the human psyche. Just read some of Flynn's interviews.