Issa was trying so hard to be that party single girl but just comes across as someone desperate to get their groove back and maybe even crying on the inside. Its awkward painful and hilarious at the same time and Issa rae does it so well!
Lol I had to google what taking an L meant i agree with this comment so much!.
lol thought i was the only one who did that! XD now binge watching this myself :)
I wasnt too into the first two episodes but this one has won me back over. I know riiiight cause even though it was so gross it was soooo ingenious and clever and hilariously nasty all at the same time.
I really enjoyed this episode. Specifically the scenes of Rick using the cockroach and then the rat and the whole rat fighting sequence was so ingenious and well done it honestly reminded me why I like this show as much as I always have.
lollll riiiiight i cant understand why the reviews for dear white people was dropped just like that. And I am so guilty of being a lurker but this season is going so good I feel I need to contribute to the comment section!
yea exactly! I laughed so much! The fact that i laughed so much is enough for me when it comes to a comedy.
I actually liked the show and found it was hilarious and to be honest I am surprised that it is so disliked. I thought it had not too much drama and a lot of comedy which was a good balance. Lol guess i am in the minority.
ugh i refuse to watch that awful movie the plot is absurdly gross
Thats a legit formula or foundation for a lot of shows these days usually with white semi privileged characters.
ooooh this made me laugh! cause its so true!
I agree with four weddings and a funeral as well they had nothing to make me want to root for them to be together. However I love that movie for the drama at the different weddings and the friend group is really what makes that movie for me.
I don't know if anyone has ever seen the movie London with Chris Evans Joy Bryant Jessica Biel Jason statham. But the party goes on and most of the show takes place in the bathroom at the house party which is a going away party and that's pretty much the kind of thing my friends and I did in a lot of social situations…
Lmao hahahaha i read alllll and i really admire this XD
I agree. this episode was the least enjoyable one for me too. It did not have enough of mad sweeney in it to really be considered an origin story to me. The episode was okay, just disappointing i found.
Aside from the reveal that mad sweeney was there when laura died i found it did little to add to the show. I think i…
Yea the commander really is a weak man even Serena called him out on it. I definitely didn't think he would be her saviour even if a reluctant one. But I was irritated by the fact that the initiator of the rebellious act who is the new ofglen wasn't highlighted as much as offred/June as also that we didn't find out…
Yea i agree i found this show not as funny this season as the previous seasons. While I do like Rob a lot more than Sharon's character but have always found her funny, I found her so grating and irritating this season.