Snake doctor

Speak for yourself.

Dont kid yourself. If a cow ever got a chance, he'd eat you and everyone you ever cared about.

We went to visit my dying mother in Iceland. But my mother is not dying. Or in Iceland. Or on Earth.

I knew Putin wouldn't take those sanctions lying down.

Enough so that the richest house in Westeros could be defeated in 5 minutes?

I fear for the safety of Lawrence and Tasha, now that they're being actively stalked by Issa and Molly.

I think Dragonstone has been wiretapped by Obama.

Doesn't Olenna have her own army? Is it not supposed to be quite sizable?

Was that you whispering to the mad king?

I expect a For Our Consideration imminently.

The demon monkey's handling of the war effort has been disastrous. He must be on borrowed time, now.

They've traded nasty words, but what had Olenna done to Cersei? We know she killed Joffrey, but Cersei doesn't.

I think there are a wealth of other venues to pick, as the president practices hypocrisy on an hourly basis.

The president was absolutely wrong to stop Transgendered people serving in the military.

It's about goddamn time, too.

*Walks in*

People of Earth is back tonight. Are you not reviewing it?


I have got Lady Olenna.

That was some fine footwork, indeed.