Snake doctor

By that standard, what is Jon Snow doing in the North? He knows that a massive army of undead murderers are coming for him, shouldn't he flee Westeros and get as far away as possible?

Wait a minute, are you complaining about a Missandei sex scene?

Arya, Tyrion, Jon and Dany have plot armour, they won't fall until the very end, if at all.

Is it possible that he was alerted by someone in Dany's camp?

I thought his public disagreements with Sansa may have been tactical, on his part. Feign disunity and see if anybody bites/ does something seditious. Grabbing Little finger by the throat but paid to that, and the last two Stark men who put hands on him died horribly.

Ned got himself killed when he committed treason, a treason he confessed plainly to, by the way.

Theon Greyjoy ran like a scolded dog with a case of the limbertail.

Berlinger is great. I will be looking out for this, as he's never let me down.

Really? I've always thought the strongest part of the show is the actors. Never got a stiff or wooden from them, with the exception of Quarth, which was disastrous.

Is he at East watch, by the sea?

Stannis forever and always.

I did laugh at her assessment of Lady Olenna, obviously I can't repeat it on here.

I like that reading.

I am watching the episode a second time, I thought it was magnificent.

Cersei understands that she's in a Shakespearen tragedy, and has as much interest in Tommen's suicide, as we did.

She was in rare form, tonight.

That wretched girl.

Would have been nice to hear Tyrion and Varys crack wise.

Jaime said to Bronn in S5, that he'll put his sword through Tyrion. Hope he's a man of his word.

Cersei telling that Ironborn fool that he's an idiot, and not worthy of her was my biggest smile.