Snake doctor

Condescending? To Kim?

What are those sites?

Can you please leave right now, without making a fuss?

I won't watch a show that normalises Trump.

I guarantee that there are people on here who have been waiting for this moment for years.

I was listening to the Washington Post's presidential podcast and about twenty minutes into their episode on Mckinley, Karl Rove popped up as the featured guest contributor.


Woodward and Bernstein were guilty of quite a bit of shoddy journalism.

After a year since the last episode it was great to see the old gang, again.

This was a fun show to watch a few years back, but now it's just depressing.

Stick it up, your bastard arse.

TJ Miller should have just kept repeating his name, to Judge, as it would force the assailant to recognise him as a person.

Is Gene going to run in 2020?

I watched the season in 2 sittings.

It's mystifying the importance that Watergate took on, when it's not even in the top 5 worse things that Nixon did.

They took a massive chance in this episode, with their audience.

McBain to Base: In pursuit of Commie Nazi.

"Admit that was a weird thing to say!"

I'm going to watch until the end of the season, but then I'm out. Been an outstanding comedy, but Mandel does not get it and I'd rather it left on a high.

Senator Whitehouse really impressed me in the Gorsuch hearings, so much so, I went and found out his positions and listened to a number of interviews. He's obsessed with money in politics and it's corrosive effect on democracy.