Snake doctor

I'm not a fan of Secretary Clinton and don't think she should run again.

What is the life of one bastard boy, against a kingdom?

Killing Jeffrey off was the single biggest mistake the show ever made.

Triple H has screwed Austin out of the WWF by gawd title.

Tyrion's death is the thing I'm most looking forward to. The sheer amount of plot armour that the treacherous little shit has is infuriating.

If Davos hadn't forced Lady Melisandre to stay away from Blackwater and whisked Gendry away, that wouldn't have happened. He cost that poor little girl her life.

Damn Triple H, Damn his Soul!

Are you gonna make that stupid joke, everytime?

Tha… that's Stone colds music.

Miss. Cruz's acting talent deserves much more than my crude thoughts.

You can look at the cast and know everything you need to about what one dimensional character they're playing.

Furlong is my favourite character.

I was always pissed off that my guidance counselor never brought up "warlord" as a career path.


Yeah, I agree. There was something off about even her voice and cadence.

Is there a good show that has ever been this crazy? Or a crazy show, this good?

I prefer the Old Testament - the one with a God who is always threatening to kill children to prove a point.

I only found out from Rosalie Aprille told Adriana - "Judas didn't join no Apostle protection program, he knew what he did was wrong and he hung himself".

I don't care for Jill.

Season 3 is a really strong season.