Snake doctor

Loved Josh quietly chanting that under his breath in the finale.


She probably shouldn't have done that.

"Which authority should she have gone to? The KGB? They would have tortured and/or killed her"

I am surprised at the amount of sympathy being offered to the Nazi. Leaving aside any issues of age and coercion, she has had 30 years to right her wrongs. At anytime over those 30 years, she could have turned herself into the authorities and confessed her shocking crimes. Instead, she opted to abscond and live her

Elizabeth has been bad for a very long time, now. Killing a Nazi collaborator is one of the least bad things she has done.

Maybe for the first 75 minutes, but putting hands on that party official at the end would have been a no-no for her.

"Deadwood's first feminist"

I'm hoping they pull it out, in the last 3 episodes, because this is the first time I've felt the show is not firing on all cylinders. The malaise and anti-climax is just not working and I've been disappointed in this season, even if I still regard this as the best show on TV.

We dug coal together.

Season 6 might be Justified's finest, and I say that as someone who is enamoured with season 2 and 4.

If I understand that last one, girls made up a pregnancy in order to continue or, begin seeing Dan and he responded by giving them money for an abortion.

Why do you think it's infantilizing and sexist?

I love her.

You could very easily imagine an episode of Curb, or Seinfeld, based around trying to figure out why she was so hostile.

Kevin's face as he saw it was gold.

It's on the downside quality wise, but it's still pretty funny.

What a type you must consort with that you not fear beating for such an insult.

Sorkin gets a bum rap on here, I think.

Of course the idea that women are not funny is ridiculous, but the majority of funny women are running the table on TV and class movies. Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Abbie and Llana et at al are all more attracted to regular programming than stand up.