Snake doctor

It's been 16 months since the last episode, so I did sort of forget how insane the show is.

Yeah, the second he walked he saw Matt, it was a countdown until he assaulted a pastor in a church on Easter Sunday.

I'm not into Eugenics, but to each their own.

Now that we know Mischa is not going to meet Phillip in America and that their food supplies are not the target of a genocidal attack, I agree they need to substitute something else in.

The population and people who voted are two different things, by the way.

I tell you, I won't live in a country that robs men of the right to sexually harass women.

Okay, you know what? Washington didn't bring his own Bible, he just assumed one would be provided, which, frankly, isn't unreasonable. Guy wants you to swear an oath on a Bible, he 'ought to be packing a Bible. Washington didn't bring one; he just assumed one would be provided. Just common courtesy, I think. "Place

What kind of detective did you raise over there, Captain?

I'd say the most intolerable Sopranos characters goes:

The really concerning part about the above article is that there someone in the world who actually likes Janice.

"bad thug"?

Nice return to form. It was great to see the old gang, again. Potse, Ralph Malph, The fonz.

Thanks for that.

Does the book address when Perry started abusing Celeste? Or why it's this particular period - and not, say, 2 years from now or 5 years before - that is escalates so drastically?

In circumstances similar to the ones we saw?

I prefer season 2. It's much more fun to watch a manhunt, Mahone is a captivating villain and I liked the rat race to get to Westmoreland's money.

This seems unnecessary, when Underground is about. It's essentially taken the breathless escape premise and found a way to naturally allow it further seasons.

Fuck Robert Bork.

When used sparingly, I think Negan can be an effective villain.

I was stunned that it turned out to be Max bullying Ammabella.