Snake doctor

I wonder how often Nancy Cartwright films her encounters with 13 year old boys.

I quite liked him lamenting that the reason so few people are struck by lightening is that nobody is actively trying to get struck by lightening.

Hadn't spotted that before, very well put.

Agreed. Great ending to 3 mostly great seasons.

"Show me a hero, and I'll write you a tragedy."

We did get to see this last year, when Elizabeth tried it on with her friend's husband and he rebuffed her.

Is the phrase "drama queen" sexist when applied to these two?

Dar Adal actually has a house and doesn't spend his off hours lurking in shadows.

Wallflower's insistence in mentioning him in reviews of The Shield, has lead me to purchase my first James Ellroy novel. I'll be reading American Tabloid this weekend.

I thought the original was hilarious, personally.

I didn't say it had anything to do with being "weak". People who seek the presidency - who believe they out of 300 million people should be the head of the most powerful military in history - are almost exclusively narcissists, it follows naturally to wonder if they're as susceptible to trauma as the rest of the

Think the soundtrack has been too intrusive and, as she's my favourite character, I would like Ernestine back in the main action. Other than that, really strong start to the season.

It's a good question. I'm not a doctor, but my feeling would be that the psychology of someone who would actively seek the presidency is not compatible with something like PTSD.

What a type you must consort with, that you not fear beating for such an insult.

They should have another season. Pretend 5 didn't happen and have it take place after the events of 4, but before 6. I'm happy not to notice the actors have aged.

America's record in those years wasn't great. The question is, are you paranoid if someone is out to get you?

It would fantastic if they come to seriously dislike Paige. Still love her, obviously, but openly resent her putting them in harms way and her inability to match their strength and handle the pressure.

"What are the odds that Stan's new lady friend is a spy?"

Only 3 episodes?

Fine, I'll just come right out and say it.