Snake doctor

I didn't care for the first episode at all, but this was really good. Relevant, fascinating and really quite fun, too.

The show was really pretty to look at, but I was amazed at how little substance there was to it.

I'm starting to worry that the CIA may not be the paragons of virtue I thought they were.

They are the same character. We're watching two alternative timelines.

This show really is committed, above anything else, to having Phillip and Elizabeth be the most evil characters on screen. Other shows with villain protagonists - The Sopranos, The Shield, BB - would go and get another worse villain so we could at least get behind the main guys. Not so, here.

I hope they hang him for an oathbreaker.

Carrie is the weakest part of the show.

The show needs to find a way to put their commitment to their marriage in conflict with their commitment to their family and their commitment to Russia. I don't know exactly how to do that, but if they can pull it off, it will make for a tremendously exciting end.

This is remarkably tacky.

A lack of enthusiasm for Secretary Clinton's candidacy was shared across the nation.

Clap shaming is wrong.

I hope that he is really working for Negan.

I'm starting to begrudgingly enjoy it.

Pretty sure that Bannon made quite a bit of money from Seinfeld.

We need to see some terrorism, I think.

The texts with threats of sexual violence, and threats generally, were deplorable and unacceptable. However, I think people are well within their rights to give her vulgar abuse short of that.

I think Quinn responding to a rock being thrown by shooting someone essentially defenceless was supposed to invoke American soldiers doing this to teenagers in Somalia in the 90s. A conflict that Quinn would have probably come of age during, come to think of it.

Just to clarify Diane Lockheart is not a fan of Mr Trump and his election to the presidency?

I'm worried about the new season. I thought last year was a step down in quality and I don't really think Mandel "gets" it. The new setting doesn't strike me as being ripe for comedy, either, in the way that the White House is.

I don't think it was ever better than Hannibak, or Person of Interest.