Snake doctor

She's a vicious opponent of democracy.

I assume, that we're approaching endgame and there is not a lot more story to tell. That would be the only way for this to make sense.

Molly is a truly vulgar character.

Initially thought, for the season to have legs, the attack must have been State-sponsored, but it's looking increasingly like we're going to get a combination of Blackwater types mixed together with Iran/Contra Shadow Government figures.

I think there will be a stark difference between President-elect Trump and President Trump.

If you keep repeating your name, it forces the assailant to acknowledge you as human.

If I'm reading this correctly, The A.V Club is unhappy that Donald Trump won the election?

Agreed about his performance, but I'm not completely sold on the show, yet.

What a bizarre justification, outside both societal and legal norms.

I look forward to hearing from the President-Elect on Sunday. Now that the campaign is over, hopefully the inflammatory rhetoric can be put aside.

President Obama sat with the President-elect today for 90 minutes and repeated his hope that Trump is a success for America.

Exposing yourself, as Gretchen did, to someone without their consent is sexual harassment and I'm surprised that the review elected to ignore that.

"It's wrong. It's just absolutely wrong."
"I know, but you have to do it anyway."
"Because you won."

Congratulations to the President-elect for a hard fought campaign. I join President Obama and Secretary Clinton in hoping that the partisanship of the election can be set aside going forward and the country can continue to progress.

I agree.

It's fascinating that someone would concede that they had an alien interaction, but decide it wasn't worth the trouble.

This reminded me a lot of "Noel" from The West Wing.

Malcom was very unsympathetic, which was one of the best things about the show.

The two leads are insufferable.

Don't go in there girl, he behind the doh'.