Snake doctor

Season 8 was terrible, but the last 5-6 are very watchable and entertaining.

Absolutely agreed.

Also fast forward the scenes with blonde terrorist family.

Season 5 starts with them killing 3/5 of the characters with the most appearances.

If everything in Jimmy's life is wrong, then the opposite must be right.

I'm surprised that the AV club let him get away with transparently racist remarks.

I like that he's full of angst about the decisions. Normal people don't shrug off being responsible for somebody else dying, which is why normal people don't run for elected office.

The quote at the top of the page is a variation of what Joseph Hooker said when he was put in charge of the Army of Potomac - except he referred to himself in the 3rd person - before he got his ass kicked at Chancellorsville.

I started watching "Andy Richter saves the world" last week and was surprised to see a producer credit for Weiner. It didn't strike me as his type of scene, even though it's very good.

I wonder if the jokes are going to move past hokey "black guys drive a car like this" and "lolz, white people".

They say madness runs in our family. Some even call me mad. And why? Because I dared to dream of my own race of atomic monsters, atomic supermen with octagonal shaped bodies that suck blood.

In that sense, it kind of reminds me of Deadwood. We spent the first three episodes thinking that Al was the bad guy and his conflict with Wild Bill was going to be the basis of the first season, then in about two hour, Bill is dead and we gradually see Al as a watchful protector, even if a little stabby.

Just to clarify, do you mean that as a criticism of White Bear?

I gave it a strong B+. It was extremely visceral and as you said relatable.

I think it would be pretty bad, even without the child aspect.

Well, I'm more concerned with how does Kanye West manage to get that level in the first place? We know that profanity is seen as a transgression and it follows that misogyny and homophobia are, too.

All the other episodes of the show have been an hour long and they've mostly been more than able to achieve it.

I thought it was the second weakest episode of the show 's run.


Getting people on the Internet to shut up about Donald Trump would be proof of God's existence.