Snake doctor

I like this show.

Yep. The FBI has a long and highly decorated history violating the constitution, while targeting civil rights activists, environmental groups, Muslims, womens rights group and so on. It hardly seems likely they'd shy away from that after a major attack.

Boyd wearing a mask, then dressing and talking in a way absolutely nobody else does.

Is there anything more predictable than Michael Gaston showing up as a government/bureaucratic type?

I forgot that Palmer didn't run for a second term.

I'm hoping they start bringing ex-Presidents into this, soon.

Leaving South Park aside, Nathan for you, Broad City, and Review are amongst the best comedies in the world; I don't think there is another network that could match those three.

If Tahani and Jianyu were to have sex, would that constitue rape by deception?

If Esmail had done anymore jerking off, this season, it would have been a goddamn bukkake party.

I think his nine-year-old daughter was behind the attack.

As far as I could tell, nobody had their family members, either. That's a huge red flag.

I don't see what it was, about Ailes comments to Carlson that constitutes sexual harassment.

People didn't have sex in The Wire - they fucked.

Boss ruled.

Really? NewsRadio was utterly insufferable.

Doesn't "Clapter" essentially describe the only comedy that AV club likes?

Those aren't ideas, those are special effects.

The Oscar storyline was a massive jerkoff.

Espn's documentary on OJ is great. The format that was used to review it, on here, was bizarre.

I think I managed 3 seasons, before deciding that the 15 minutes of Donna and Louis was not worth having to deal with 30 minutes of Mike and Rachel.