Snake doctor

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When Trump accused of Cruz's father of being involved in the Kennedy assassination, he had his reasons, too.

Leslie once attacked the dead father of her opponent, moments after he had died, so she probably has considerable admiration for Trump's tactics.

Where would the documentary industry be, without the Nazis?

Is there a more overrated book, in history, than The Art of War?

Just as staggering as the lack of Kerwin last year. Crazy decision.

In a lot of the world, the 15+ years Daniel has served would be considered an excessive punishment, even if he did kill her. That's the main reason it has never really mattered to me.

Rectify is a great show.

Watching Vic try to make small talk with Aceveda, to stop him from going up the stairs, made me laugh. As much as Vic knows exactly what Aceveda is at his core and what makes him tick, I don't think he knows any details about the man. He definitely knows that Aceveda has a child, but I bet he doesn't know her name and

Three Men and Adena gets my vote, too.

Comedy Central can feel really aggrieved that Broad City, Nathan for You and Review didn't get nominated. To leave all three out is insane, there is a credible argument that they're the 3 best comedies around.

There aren't enough people who complain about Hannibal. It was a very good show, but after every episode, the comment section on here was like reading really articulate 7 year olds talk about their favourite wrestler.

I think it feels quiter than it actually is. I think the first three seasons have only been about 5 months and in that time, Holden has sexually assaulted someone, been beaten into a coma, confessed to murder, while two other main characters have gotten pregnant, suffered a miscarriage and been separated and so on.

Couldn't agree more.

Computers may be twice as fast, but the average voter is still as drunk and stupid as ever.

I would like to echo this. If anybody is starting The Shield, or rewatching it, read Wallflower's reviews.

The non-interrogation, interrogation really reminded me of the book, yes. There are several pages which Simon explains that talking to a police officer is the stupidest thing one can do and most of the police are amazed that suspects do it.


I thought, by the way Santos was extremely concerned about getting the briefcase back and his general body, we were supposed to have the impression that he was lying. Especially, because Vinick was always forthright and genuine.

You believed that?