Snake doctor

I find Gilfoyle to be a deeply unpleasant individual.

This season has reminded me strongly of both Sopranos season 3 and 4.

Pastor's go with the intention to feed more people, the next time, the time after and the time after that. We know that, because he's been to Kenya.

They say Missandei speaks 14 languages. Well, she's going to need it, when she's in Time Square selling fake hats. I know Gucci, when I see it.

Do you watch Better Call Saul?


I imagine they have to bring him back, given he can correctly Philip as Clark.

Gaad was shitcanned by the FBI, they probably figured he was embittered and would be willing to trade information for enough cash to live like a king in Thailand. I admire the fact, he wasn't even willing to listen to their offer. It's as as explicit a rejection as we've seen from anyone.

Season's 1 and most of 2 was poor, but it's been pretty decent for the last 3 years. While the press release does oversell it, it is not wrong per se.

I can't be that only one who thought it was a bit amusing?

I think I'm wired a little differently from the good folks who post here. I seldom find The Americans depressing, I kind of thought Elizabeth drugging, dragging and assaulting that guy was darkly comic.

That would surely put asses in seats.

Licking, not sticking.

Tywin was the fucking man, killing him made King's landing infinitely more dull. I hope Jamie makes good on his promise to split Tyrion in two with his sword.

Get off my plane!

Oberyn Martell had that quality, too, and he was handsome. Sister, rape, Lannister, revenge, every single scene.

Watching Veep is not a choice, like my diet, it's a necessity, like my drinking.

Dan will be like "crisis, crisis, I need a 3rd Ipad."

He's handsome, and therefore, guilty looking.

The leftovers is excellent.