Snake doctor

First "A" of the season.

I understand the need, but I do find it irksome when the comments are filled with folks who don't watch the show, myself.

How many folks do you know, who can discuss themes, character, subtext and foreshadowing, in depth? I like my friends a great deal, but I'd prefer to discuss those things on the Av club, myself.

I think the Glanders quarantine in this episode was manufactured by the Centre, much like when they kidnapped and tortured Elizabeth and Phillip in Season 1.

I've had just enough of your Vasser bashing, young lady!

I'm confused as to why he didn't find it. He's an experienced agent and it's not been expertly hidden. I don't get it?

Why do you care if other people are watching it, or not?

The Jury room should have got more air-time, I thought.

The first copy I watched, ended with the Goldmans in the car, but after the review I went back and found the remaining 23 minutes.

What was the runtime of your episode? You appear to be describing scenes that didn't appear in the episode I watched.

As they were dancing, I was hoping Sadie would reveal she was the real mastermind behind 9/11.

As a direct result of their negligence, a person was seriously injured and hospitalised; the girls gave this 5 seconds of thought, then went out to party. At this stage, I think it's clear that they are assholes. That strikes me as a very bold choice, by the writing team.

His fake fight with Damien Lewis was damn funny.

No wild speculation on why Elizabeth has befriended her?

It reminded me of Parks and Rec, Leslie points out the possum - Fairway Frank - and as she turns to tell Tom, he's already half way down the golf course.

Was Johnny Sack trying to walk Tony into something, or was Tony being paranoid? I watched the audio commentary with David Chase and he didn't bother answering it.

The opposite was true, for me. I watched 13 episodes in 3 sittings and couldn't wait to get to the next one.

I agree with you that it is a fantastic episode.

You should watch Nathan For You, it's one of the best shows on TV.

It's hard for me to watch American Idol, because I have perfect pitch.