Snake doctor

Abbi and Ilana are not good people.

Phillip and Elizabeth are exactly where Tony Soprano was at the end of Season 3; they need to get rid of someone their daughter has a deep relationship, without permanently poisoning her against them.

Interesting that this is viewed positively and, yet, when it's Paige and Pastor Tim…

I tell you, I won't live in a country that robs Vice-Presidents of the right to murder their own citizens.

I will stop addressing her as Secretary Clinton on November 8th.

I laughed.

This show really frustrates me.

You have a very interesting interpretation of friendship.

I thought Betty gaining, and struggling with her, weight was consistent with the character and a solid choice.

Secretary Clinton's cameo was cool, but I thought the rest of the episode was underwhelming. Season 3 continues to stagnate and I think it's been a big off in quality and humour from Season 2.

Bosh! Flimshaw!

I really enjoyed it, too.

Dennis shouting you "son of a bitch" just as the water was at his neck made me laugh.

I would, uh, like to, erm, express my fondness for this, uh, particular actress.

Are you saying that I may have jumped the gun and just waited before drawing nefarious conclusions?

I laughed at the Rick James remark.

What's going on with Kardashain, anyway? The first two/three episodes he stuck to his earnest belief that they loved each other, so OJ couldn't have done this. However, since then we've heard a growing number of tales that range from vile and controlling to vicious domestic abuse, and we haven't seen his reaction to

He was excellent during his turn In Treatment. I've been rewatching that, actually, but had to stall as I think it's the most depressing show I've ever seen. Absolutely fascinating, but depressing nonetheless.

Natural police.

"Weaponised psychiatry" is a brilliant description.