Snake doctor

You really should watch Season 3 as quickly as you can. It's the best the show has been and placed it among the top 10 shows on TV, IMO.

The Reggie scene in Bad Boys 2 is gold.

What a despicable thing to post.

I've done worse.

Review was the best new comedy of 2014, not named Broad City.

I don't know what it is that Hannibal sees in Will. Will is pretty to look at, but he's also violent, unstable, manipulative, withholding and perpetually ungrateful. I just don't get it.

I thought it sounded very seedy, but I'm not sure it sounded criminal. What makes you so unequivocal?

I'll see to it that the Emmy voting board suffer the infernal machinations of Hell's grim tyrant.

I don't think he's sleazy at all.

Is Wallflower reviewing this show, somewhere?

Backstory is bullshit.

"It's only episode six of a twelve episode season and he's the titular character."

It should be interesting to see how Rectify responds to the gauntlet that The Americans threw down earlier this year.

Any episodes in particular that really stand out from the past 2 years? I'm a little behind.

What was meta about Season 3?

I think Fuller has to take some blame. He knew how precariously close to cancellation the show; with that in mind, was there any real need to have the first 3 episodes be so devoid of plot and self-indulgent? It was obvious the audience weren't going to stick around for that and here we are.

Good point. What would you say is a fairer way to compare?

I came on here to ask the same question. It seems strange that there hasn't been any news. Maybe, episodes are taking longer to make, because too many folks know who he is?

I think it is over. There are a wider range of good-very good shows, today, I agree. However, I think if you pick the top 10 shows on TV today and line 'em up against the best of the past 10 years, there will be an enormous gap in quality.

Precisely. Some of the choices are just ridiculous.