Snake doctor

This season of Justified has more "A" ratings than any other show they've reviewed this calendar year. They're not even applying their own standard.

Backstory is bullshit.

Nathan for you?

"Me, too. But at the end of a prizefight, you look at who is dancing around and that's who won."

Jack's not an antihero, for one. He's not treated that way by the producers, the fans, critics or, well, anybody. Doubtless he's done some very dubious shit, but all to save the country from extinction and at a terrible, terrible personal cost.

Agreed and I will see to it that these critics suffer the infernal machinations of hell's grim tyrant

I watched it, based entirely on the gushing praise it receives on here. In my opinion, it is a very average show and not anywhere the likes of Veep, It's Always Sunny, Nathan for you and Broad city.

Rectify is one of the three best shows on TV and Aden Young is the best thing about it, he should certainly be nominated.

Jon Snow ran like a scolded dog with a case of the limber tail.

I tell you, I won't live in a town that robs men of the right to carry knives.

Bender not possessing the necessary funk levels to be a globetrotter still brings tears to my eyes.

The Tommen as King experiment has failed. Murder this idiot, please, and resurrect Joffrey.

Particularly enjoyed this. For me, the show has been red-hot since the middle of season 2, but there had been a dip in quality in the last 3 episodes beginning with Tehran. Insults are such a key component that when they're slightly off, or absent, it makes a big difference. I felt this week was a return to form and

Rocky IV.

I find the Bolton's kind of boring. Ramsay is so over-the-top and 1 note that I can barely raise any interest when he's on screen and I don't get a sense of danger from Roose. Give how fleshed out Tywin was the chief antagonist, it's quite the come down.

Why is it assumed the torture allegations forced Chung out of the race? They were totally discredited.

Season 3 is one of the best seasons of TV I've ever seen. I felt like this year was a massive come down from that level.

I think that Martha is dead.

I would say that it's Orphan Black.

I would tell Broad City that it definitely belongs in the argument. However, I would say that longevity counts against it, as it's obviously harder to write 4, or 10, great seasons than it is to write 2. I would go onto say that I expect Broad City to be the best comedy on TV in the near future and probably the best