Snake doctor

I feel like Bobby, when he watched Junior decide to side with Tony against Richie - I am just in awe.

Terrible episode.

Mad men ends on May 17th. On that day, The Americans will officially be the best show on TV. By some distance, too, in my opinion.

So who are you picking?

Did Henry take the photo, or break into the Beeman's and steal it without leaving any evidence?

Well, it looks like we've got ourselves a ball game here, folks.

That's what I went ahead and assumed, too. Although, not hearing the audio, made me wonder.

I couldn't make out what was being said between the CIA gent and babysitter. Are they having an affair?

I've a lot of sympathy with that, personally.

The country would have been better off if Rowan had murdered Olivia and Fitz, then merged his job with the Presidency.

It was brilliant back in "Decoy" when Boyd said it to Augestine, and he casually turned to Picker, saying "They dug coal together."

In this episode, because he was bitching and moralising from behind his desk, while Root and Reese were actually in the arena. Reese is a highly impressive operative, trained in interrogation; if he thinks someone is hiding something, then he's probably right.

Your operation is nothing more than a single man in a messy apartment that may, or may not, contain a chicken.

In fairness, Austin was also a tremendous in ring worker, cut very entertaining promos and was matched against a very hate able heel in Vince, which added considerably to his popularity.

Harold is starting to irritate me.

We dug coal together.

What does the rest of the list look like?

Do any among you have a list of what you consider the top 10 episodes of this show to be? Is this episode in it?

Thought it was interesting that Proctor never asked Hood what the hell he was doing, as if walking into his building and trying to shoot him in the head was business as usual. I actually think that if Hood had explained what he was doing and why, Proctor would have quite a bit of empathy with his reasoning.

Agreed. Outlandish remark.