Snake doctor

I thought it was Anneleigh Ashford until the episode ended.

There's never an excuse to hit a woman and the way the second most watched comedy on basic-cable made light of that fact is a chilling sign of what Adam Reed thinks.

It's obviously up for debate, but for my money, this is the second best show on TV and it will take up the mantle as the best, the seçond Mad Men ends.

I let out a big laugh when Elizabeth threw Paige into the deep end. It's the most Elizabeth thing I can imagine.

Shit, I missed them. Which nods?

I'm not sure there is a finer sight in all of TV than Boyd and Raylan on screen talking to each other.

You think I got time to ask a man how he make his money, or why he giving it to me? I'll take any motherfuckers money if he givin' it away!

You must despise paramedics.

"You think I work for some criminal mastermind, who goes around calling himself "Rabbit"?"

Morbo demands answers to the following questions

Good stuff.

There's a scarily high number of click-bait articles on here, these days.

Fuck the triplets. I hope we never see them.

Reminded me of Angel de la Muerte hiding out for two weeks in the walls of the Generalissimo's mansion.

I have decided that I'm supporting Boyd. Googins broke my heart in the final season of The Shield and that was with a a character who I really didn't care for at all. Now he's the most charismatic badass in all the land… I just can't. I just can't.

Womb! There it is.

It's already leaked online, if you're that way inclined.

The bitch wasn't worth more than a pinkie.

S2 E1 of Broad city leaked, so I watched that. They've still got it.

I really admire that a 50-minute episode can resolve conflicts from the season finale, set up the primary conflict for this season and still feel entirely like fan-service. It's such a streamlined show that there isn't a single scene in the episode that wasn't necessary as that's why I think this deserves an A.