Snake doctor

Just watched it. As advertised.


I want the name of whoever came up with that title. GIMMIE THE NAME!

All of that will happen within the first 20 minutes, with an added bonus of Carrie pleasuring herself while nude. These writers don't mess about, they know what we came to see and they're going to give it to us. It's refreshing to see a show that is not overly concerned with pinko commie crap like themes, realism and

I, too, would like to, erm, express my fondness for, erm, that particular show.

It was great to see the old gang again. Potsie, Ralph Malph, The Fonz.

I think saying Avon did terrible things is an understatement. For my money, him poisoning the drug supply and murdering a number of inmates to facilitate his escape from prison is the single worst thing anybody did on the show.


There's always going to be a Marlo. No Marlo, no game.

In the flesh.

It was a disappointing season and the show should have ended much earlier, but I thought that was a very good and hugely satisfying end. I thought the show has always made it clear that Jax is poison; it did so when he went to Ireland and he wanted to let Abel be adopted, it did so when he tried to let Tara leave last

I'm glad it's adopting elements of 24, which, at it's best was a highly viewed, critically acclaimed, award sweeping juggernaut. It's odd that reviewers on here seem to think they should apologise for liking what is a very captivating show.

"The game within the game"

Black Mirror is brilliant. Aside from the unfortunate of the final episode, they've all been a joy to watch and left me ruminating for days, so much so that I find it almost impossible to rank them in terms of quality.

Agreed. I watched the new episode earlier, so spoilers, and had hoped that they were going for the full court press, but I thought they just about managed to hold off. He's not very good at being a serial killer, which is severely limiting what they can do, but I think they're going to put off his arrest until the

The Newsroom is on a roll, just now, and I don't want to be too critical, but I would have liked to hear the intricacies of Reese's poisoning plan.

You folks not watching The Fall?

It was like the writers were bragging that they had finally finished The Wire - well, we all saw it years ago, stop imitating it and get Root to put her mouth on Shaw's mouth.

I don't like the idea of Rowan leaving. I was hoping he would kill Jake, Olivia, Fitz and merge his job with the Presidency

How long has the Zombie apocalypse been going on? 1-3 years? That's a very long time to go without porn, so I think calling Eugene strange for having a good look is harsh.