Snake doctor

Agreed. I'm pleased that it's back. The Snowden fakeout was well handled and the Obama Administration's shocking criminalisation of journalism should provide a fruitful background for Sorkin to mine.

Alicia's slow move into an anti-hero is one of the more impressive bits of characterisation I can recall seeing since the Golden Age started.

Will The Newsroom comments have fans of the show discussing what they're enjoying and what needs working, or just clever self-indulgent musings about hate watching the show?


S2 was a massive improvement. I was disappointed they cancelled it, as it felt like they were starting to put it together into a strong 7.8-8.2/10 show.

Agreed. It was a very clumsy attempt at making a weak point.

The second season of 24 started with them learning a terrorist they thought was dead was still alive and had faked his death because he had spent two years planning a nuclear attack. I may be naive here, but I'm hoping what we're seeing now is a similar plan in its infancy and that plays out over the next few seasons

Phillip Jennings did last season in one of his many encounters with Martha. I believe he even handed it to her after the Godless deed was completed.

The flashbacks and ending reminded me of a quote I once heard - "The boy became a man, and the man became a legend."

Badger, my ass - it's probably Millhouse.

Very excited about it, too.

Can't this town go one day, without a riot?

I hope he hates his family in this, as well. His barely hidden contempt in conversations with them was a pleasure to watch.

I was pretty glad when he did it.

Which character on the show has the best voice?

It would be very interesting to see The Mad King. Given what we've seen happen in King's Landing over the past 4 seasons, his decision to burn the place to the ground seems like an act of statesmanship.

It's the same reason hypocrisy is very annoying; you expect better from people who know how to formulate and articulate an argument.

I, too, would like to express my, um, fondness for that particular poster.

Didn't the Iraq war, or the build up to it, overlap with the debut of Firefly. I'm not saying that the President saw a screener and decided that he was going to impress her by killing over a million people and displacing triple that number, just that I would totally understand if he did.

Slowly building to the moment it happens is kind of unpleasant. I think I'd rather not know, because there are no good alternatives.