Snake doctor

For me, it was the episode after Billie got got. Buscemi was in the zone.

That was very reminiscent of Jack storming the compound to save Heller and Audrey.

I've got to start to going to that gypsy.

I thought it was pretty funny, too. I think there are certain types of humour that are never going to be popular on a site like this, it's one of the reasons I'm surprised that South Park is reviewed on the AV Club, and last night's episode dealt in them.

The way the conversation oscillates between morality and pragmatism is a sight to see. You throw in two of the very best character actors who ever walked the earth and it's perhaps my favourite scene ever. I mean it is a sight to see.

It will be great to see the old gang again. Potsie, Ralph Malph, The Fonz.

I vote we skip straight to "Animal control" and get this party started.

We owe you our lives.

I agree, it was much better. Funnier. I was disappointed they dropped TeflAndre so quickly, though. That seemed like it had 6 or 7 episodes more roll to it.

Some really smart people on here, which makes it a shame that so many of the comments have very little to do with the content of the episode and are just complaints about montages.

"I was at home, alone. Jerking off. Into a sock. Wanna see the evidence?"

Shawn Ryan et al are cunts like that. I want to sit there in judgement of Shane and despise him and call him a coward p, and say that he's an idiot, and say that he's weak. They won't let me, though. In his shoes, I would have done what he did. Maybe not immediately, but eventually I think they'd have compelled lem to

I'm not sure. I think if he did do it, it would have shattered any illusions he had about himself and broken him.

Our Vic brings it out of people, so he does.

How do people think Season 5 would have gone, if they only had 12 episodes? I know there's too much filler in every season, but there was a lot of quality set-pieces, reversals and twists to 5, which would be hard to cut out. What about season 2?

Vic calling that prostitute, who outsmarted him twice, "claptrap" was one that really made me grin.

I thought she came off as a vindictive asshole, personally.

Another question is if Vic was listening to what Shane was being told, would he have killed Lem?

"I would have spared Lem. "
"And I stepped up and put Lem down, so you could go to sleep every night believing that."

Delighted we're doing season 6, as well. At the very least, we needed to get to "Chasing ghosts."