Snake doctor

Point well scored. Predictive text, not that you didn't already know that.

I think 3 days is a reasonable grace period. I usually ask people how up to date they are, before I start talking, anyway. Spoilers don't have any effect on me, as I'm going to rewatch the show anyway, but it's harmless to show a little caution before launching into discussing something.


I despise Baltar more than any other character in fiction. That he was capable of so much more, that he didn't have to be a vehicle for his vanity, selfishness and cock is what makes him so contemptible. He could have chosen to be better than he was as he had that capacity, but he did not.

I think that's true. However, I think a larger factor in The Shield not getting its due is that it doesn't give a dusty fuck about where the audience got its art history major and is unwilling to cater to, or applaud them for it. That stops a lot of critics getting into it.

As far as who I'm cheering for goes, I'm not. I don't really experience fiction like that as I tend to find "heroic" traits repetitive and achingly dull. However, it would surely have to be Kavannaugh for one simple reason: Unlike Vic Mackey, Kavannaugh is not the biggest criminal in the history of American Law


I miss Limehouse.

I agree with you, but Vic doesn't see that as an either/or situation and for 6, or so, seasons he's kind of justified. I think if a clear situation occurred, where it was him or his family, he would prioritise his family.

How does Vic's post finale life play out in your head?

Aceveda's general demeanour around Kavannaugh is a sight to behold. Their conversations take on a strong comedic aspect if you look at them as the second, or first, season of True Detective. I do like that Aceveda thinks Vic took time to drive across town with the sole purpose of sticking it to him. Of course he would

I'm not really sure about 1 and 2. I think he would "sacrifice" himself for his kids, if it came to it. I think the extent of his cuntery in the final two episodes casts a long shadow in discussions about Vic; there's never been any indication that he wouldn't do absolutely anything for his children.

About 6 months ago, we found this kilo of pure Heroin in the glove compartment of your car, but you never logged into evidence.

I quite like the show. I wouldn't call it an elite comedy, nor do I seek it out, but whenever I've caught it on TV, I've laughed and found it very watchable. I'm not sure why it engenders so much dislike on here, but to each their own.

World going one way, people another, yo.

I assume Randy Wagstaff had the sense to flee to North Carolina.

Your daughter is named Seymour?

I know there are parts of the show where David Simon gets his David Simon on, but for the most part I was always enthused after an episode of Treme. It introduced me to some wonderful songs, I would never have come across. Chief among them is "Hurricane Season" by Trombone Shorty which gets regular full blast airings

I can't imagine that there are a lot of people who have seen the Moore/Durelle fight and watch Masters of Sex, but I bet everyone of us who had let out a "Ho" when we saw it on the show.

"It wouldn't be make believe, if you believed in me."