Snake doctor

One time. Doing time. For a long time.

And it's about damn time, too.

One time. Doing time. For a long, long time.

I think it will transpire that Cross is not selling the secrets to China, but to a powerful cabal headed by Michelle Dessler and David Palmer.

Considering how the last season of Rectify ended, I think saying the new season starts tonight should count as a spoiler.

"Decency trumps all" is a very interesting interpretation of first-degree murder.

I've read the article three times and I just don't see, if anything, this has to do with Game of Thrones.

One time. Doing time. For a long time.

I can see why that would be irritating, but I think you're overlooking a much greater tragedy. The Secret Service agent had his back turned, it was the perfect chance for Jack to choke him out while delicately whispering "don't fight it", but instead they went with the one punch KO.

I know what you're thinking and I agree, entirely.

24. Where blowing the president up in the middle of Wembley isn't even the end game.


I thought this was a much better, and more memorable, season than both 1 and 3. Good article, though, which I largely agree with. Picking the moment over the episode is one of, if not the main, reason I think people calling this the best show on TV are way off.

Even at the business end of a crossbow, Tywin Lannister backs down from nobody. RIP to my third favourite character. GOT has lost a colossus.

Ralphie's pronunciation of whore and, of course, Silvio's Al Pacino impression will make me happy to my dying days.

Homer's encyclopaedic knowledge of Supreme Court justices.

I thought it was really funny and laughed heartily.

Damn it, Solverson, that board of yours is against regulation. In this department, we go by the book.

One time.

For a guy whose country was implicated in a vast criminal conspiracy, which almost resulted in the detonation of a nuclear device in New York City, that Russian guy was being exceptionally cunty.