Snake doctor

There was a point, when they first mentioned her, that I thought Jack might torture that little girl, Yasmin. That's probably the only thing that could have made this episode better, although her saying that she hopes her Auntie dies was very good, too.

That was definitely what we paid to see.

That season went a long way to staking Veep's claim as the best comedy in the game, today. Tremendously funny and the first conversation between Jonah and his mum belongs to the ages now.

Apart from the parts where Jon Snow was getting himself confused with Rambo, that was a brilliant episode. Personally, I don't care for anyone at the Night's Watch, so the fact I was captivated and in awe for 50 minutes says a lot about how good this was.

In light of the interminable debates that pop up after every Game of Thrones episode, I was indeed being facetious. The fact nobody understood that makes me think I'm not as funny as I think I am and, I've gotta tell you, that's pretty troubling.

I thought the first episode was despicable.

One time. Doing time. For a long time.

He also storms the Russian embassy. The same day he got back from his imtorturement for storming the Chinese embassy.

I thought that was great, but I was disappointed that MI5 didn't ruin Jack's operation. If they had, we'd be a lot closer to Jack torturing the British Prime Minister. I assume that's why we're all here, right? To see Jack torture elected officials?

I think she will be elected president and get impeached in her first term.

The mad king wanted to burn King's Landing to the ground.

I think she is a very beautiful woman.

I'm not all that fussy.

I would quite like to have sex with Tyra Banks.

I want candy.

"Mutually consented" is the technical term.

Waste of a role. He would have been perfect as Clay's friendly long-lost brother, who, as it happens, was a special forces solider in Columbia during the 90s and now has a Medellin like faction looking for him.

Think we're all glad that Molly is alive. However staging the last episode clearly suggesting she was dead, only to have her up and about with less effects than a hangover is bullshit. It's really cheap storytelling and takes the starch out of that brilliant snow set-piece.

A little disappointed that the video was out on a subnet. It means we didn't get to hear "Mr. President, it's ______________ he's demanding to speak with you."

Hannibal gave Will Graham pieces of his soul and offered him a level of intimacy he had never given to anybody.