Snake doctor

It is strange. It wasn't just any run of the mill conspiracy, either; the Russians suppled foreign agents with nuclear material, which they came about a minute away from detonating smack fucking bang in the middle of New York City.

I'm not saying that Hannibal was right to murder Abigail, in front of Will, but I understand.

My TV was a little quiet, when Jared was bleeding out did he tell Elizabeth to "Get Mendoza"?

One time. Doing time. For a long time.

In an episode of season 7, Ethan Kanin remarked that "If Jack Bauer says there is going to be an attack, I believe there is going to be an attack." It was really jarring to have someone look at Jack's extraordinary history of being right every single time and decide that it was worth taking into account.

No doubt.

The idea of a man with Hannibal's cooking skills, love of music and fine clothing being imprisoned seems criminal.

Did Standard and Practices object to showing Katherine Isabell's ass?

I feel very sorry for Hannibal. He had just started to piece his life back together after Will Graham's heinous assassination attempt earlier in this season, only to have Graham collude with another maniacal patient and conspire to murder him again.

What? Oh, yes, all that stuff I did.

Fuck Skylar White.

Shae's testimony was entirely dishonest and, as a direct consequence of her dishonesty, a character I like could be murdered.

That is well put.

There's some really top analysis in this article that really made me stop think; but, fucking hell, does it have to be dripping with condescenation, entirely dismissive of other rationales and lead to sweeping conclusions?

Jack said that Heller ordered a drone attack in 2011. There was a well-publicised drone attack that year, namely the murder of a 16-year-old American citizen, Abdulrahman Al-Alawki.


It was great seeing the gang again. Potsie, Ralph Malph, The Fonz.

I was surprised at how ruthless Selina was with her staff. Totally justified, as they don't even have the fucking competence to do bad things well, but I thought if it came to it, she'd stand tall for them.

Don't you move.

This is what Marlo Stanfield would call one of those good problems.