Snake doctor

With that reveal, is Baelish now the biggest Supervillain in TV history?

I won't watch a show that robs men of the right to marry their cousins.

For a guy who thinks he's so smart, Petr ought to know better than marrying crazy pussy.

Interesting interpretation of Batman.

Just what did you expect?

That Will Graham is a dangerous psychopath.

Hang on, so Tate has enough time to respond to innocuous remarks by Jackson, but not enough time to respond to me asking her to be my bride and live in my underground liar?

"You can't stop me!"

Chief: Lester is one of the most respected men in this town, Solverson. And you drove his limo off a cliff, broke the necks of three of his bodyguards, and drove a bus through his front door?!

You really think the why is that significant?

I really miss Joffrey.

You can, but you can't glide.

I'm really looking forward to seeing Jack put a colleague in a sleeper hold and whispering "Don't fight it."

Yeah, I still laugh thinking about it. Jack's deadpan face is a sight to see.

I won't talk until I have an immunity deal signed by the President.

I just really appreciated Habib Marwan - the man came correct. For most terrorists, kidnapping the Secretary of Defense would be a good days work; not my man, Marwan. You think you're safe in the air, with your escort fighters, Mr. President?

I can't believe you think season 2 is better than season 4.

Rapist clone assumed suicide clone's identity. After doing so, she had sex with Paul, who believed her to be another person. That is rape by deception. Hence, rapist clone.

Usually hot lesbian clone getting her lesbian on would be, far and away, the highlight of the episode. However, Mrs S chewing rapist clone out over her failure to protect her daughter was great. I'm glad somebody in the show realised rapist clone's "running towards the aliens, running away from the aliens" schtik is

I do like the idea of Hannibal just being "Naughty". Like he's the bad influence your mum told you to stay away from at primary school.