Snake doctor

"Dewey defeats Truman."

I don't want you hanging around these so-called "people".

They were at the beach and, yet, they wouldn't give us Vergara in a bikini.

In their scene, I think that's exactly what Stan thought when he asked, twice, "Who is he?"

I think it opens up a lot more doors.

Todd, your first sentence confused the hell out of me.

The fury began before any such comments had been widely circulated.

There's a furious "For our Consideration" article being penned as we speak.

For best line reading, I would have to go with Bush trying to make sense of a "Krusty Burger?", or better when he remarks that he doesn't understand soft drinks, "Not my forte."

Nobody's perfect.

Sunday night has escalated into a war zone.

I don't know what perverted and subversive literature you've been reading, but that's not how it went down.

I have enjoyed the season.

I assume most people had to see it to believe it.

Say what you will about Oleg, but the son of a bitch knows pinball.

Her death was interesting in that I thought everyone in the room was acting with a lot of legitimacy. Lucia was well within her rights to seek revenge against a man who had trained Samoza's counterinsurgency forces, in fact, I applaud her. Similarly Larrick was right to defend himself, and Elizabeth was right to watch

Was an American TV show arguing that gunning down a United States Congressman is a good thing?

Womb! There it is.

I personally believe that Rikishi poisoned Joffrey.

Fascinating is the right word. Not necessarily for us, but certainly for future historians when they traced the origins of the Third World War.