Snake doctor

I thought Olivia was very cruel to her father.

Also, the comments pissing and moaning about nudity are repetitive and achingly dull.

Say what you will about Oleg, but the son of a bitch knows music.

You broke my heart, Ava. You broke my heart.

I think a prequel with the mad king burning folks and smoking harmless tabacco would be wavy gravy.

Tremendous, tremendous stuff.

Jack Gleeson is wasting his talent with this show. He's the most hated TV character around; my boy Vince McMahon could make turn him into the biggest heel since Ric Flair and make him some serious money.

In international affairs, I believe the technical phrase is "illegal but legitimate".

A near-death experience can be an extremely troubling act for people to recover from. I hope that Hannibal can overcome the trauma and find the strength to move on.

I really hope the Governor is waiting at terminus.

That may have been my favourite episode, so far. They really embraced the crazy and I spent the entire runtime grinning from ear-to-ear.

Phillip's level of professionalism tonight would have shamed the great Wayne Jarvis, himself.

I'm pretty confident that this is them putting Raylan on the straight and narrow. Letting him walk back from the finale of last season, which was the worst thing he ever did. It's not something a lot of anti-heroes get the chance to do.

Interesting that Kendall referenced seeing a man with a Star and viewing that as threatening. Sort of reminiscent of Arlo shooting that Trooper because he saw a man in a hat. And the hat was conspicuous by its absence tonight.

A lot of Christian churches established solidarity groups, and even went to live, in Latin-America while the U.S government was funding/fighting counter-insurgency there in the 80s.

If there is a more fun way to spend an hour, it probably violates the terms of my parole.

I should also clarify that should Shaw and Root become, erm, friendlier, I would find that not undelicious .

Seemed to have the prescence of mind to jab at some of the ridiculous elements of the show and I thought it came off as particularly charming. Very funny episode.

An asset trained by Granny.

What is her fascination with their forbidden closet of mystery?