Snake doctor

I spoke with a gentleman last night who reliably informed me that he has a monorail that can outrun the flash. He was also adamant that Superman could, as a matter of fact, outrun the flash.

I'd go with Mr.Black. They kids could call him uncle blackie.

Season 2 of Banshee does end on Friday.

I didn't post with enough clarity. The point I was trying, clumsily, to make was, that, heroes or not, if the state of Louisiana knew what they had been up to, they would be in prison for the rest of their lives.

Rust describing the break in tied with his military-like movements on screen had me smiling from to ear to ear.

I am surprised you didn't think it was funny. The car scenes provided consistent levity, there was seeing how normal people reacted to Rust and an occasional helping of "This motherfucker is crazy." humour like "I'm an ace B&E man."

I thought it was a terrific episode to cap off a terrific season.