
While watching this (redbox) I kept saying that except for the dick shot, this is a Disney movie.

Didn't read the review but saw it go an A, WHEN THE HECK DOES THIS COME OUT IN MY LOCAL THEATRE. Ugh. No info as of yet. Plus I love Jarmusch, loved 'Only Lovers Left Alive' and his episode of Fishing with John is a classic.

Agreed!! Ho-ly cow did that score drive me NUTS. I thought it was so whiney and over the top and it.just.never.stopped. Ugh. I felt the same about Manchester by the sea.

Have you seen Snow Angels? (2007). I did and I will never ever watch it again. It's rough.

Saw this tonight. It was hella powerful and such a well put together narrative. Affleck knocked it out of the park, Hedges blew me away, and Michelle Williams can cry like no other. Really masterful work.

Adam Pally is the VIP almost every time I watch this show. He really killed me with his, "I didn't vote for Obama". And the greatest show on earf. I love this show.

Adam Pally is the VIP almost every time I watch this show. He really killed me with his, "I didn't vote for Obama". And the greatest show on earf. I love this show.

Yes!! Totally should have happened.

Ahh forgot about that. That's pretty true. I always loved how he really grew and got his shit together and stayed attractive as hell.

I kept thinking, but who knows if she will actually get a publisher to put this out and if not, then what???

God, Brothers and Sisters. The other day I was at yoga and I swear the music from that show was playing and I was like ahhhhhhhhhh!! Gotta get my Sally Field cry in. Frankly, the first few seasons of that show were pretty watchable and the performances really engaging. I loved Matthew Rhys as Kevin. He just blew

Yea I was like like, omg, seriously we're supposed to believe that she didn't even prep for the interview!?

Yea Scott Patterson really delivers those lines like a punch to the gut.

Dude I definitely need to re-watch the Paris dinner scene. I always loved Jess' standalone episode where he visits his Dad and you get this really nice look at who he is and where he comes from. But you are SO RIGHT about the way he reflects Luke and Lorelei. Never quite thought of it that way entirely.

Me too. Remember how organized she was when she was studying for a millions finals or making pro/con lists about schools? It may have been over the top but those skills could have really come in handy…oh some time in the last 10 years. Also, I thought she should have taken Headmaster Charleston's advice and enrolled

Yea I wish they had actually broached that subject. With maybe like a, "I'm flush with cash (duh) but devoid of purpose!" Woe is you, Rory. JK.

No you definitely see Caesar and it was great that they brought back the same heavy-set, curly-haired actor for the revival. Other Caesars were that skinnier guy.

I need to watch this scene again. So good.

Yea she got right back into character and knocked it out of the park. I loved that.