Average Joe

Holy fuck, snowflake. It's just a fucking TV show. Triggered, much? Still not over that criminal whore, Hillary losing, huh? Poor baby.

Hey look! A loser Hillary supporter still crying because Trump is POTUS. Get over it, snowflake. Wahhhhhh!

Oh God, are you serious? Trump has done more in ONE WEEK for this country than Obama did in 8 years. I really wish you Libtarded snowflakes would get a grip and give Trump a chance. Time to grow up and stop crying. He is your President and will remain so for probably 8 years. Enjoy winning.

Dude, why do you even watch this show at all? Go find something better to do. By the sound of most of your comments, you hate the show.

Totally disagree. I think it will be the other way around, and Quinn will have to SAVE Franny from the bad dude across the street.

I'm black and voted for Trump, as did thousands and thousands of other blacks. Shove your "racist" shit up your ass, whitey.

Oh, go cry in the corner, snowflake. Hillary would have had us all killed in months. Get over it. Trump is your President. Grow up.
PS-It wasn't the Russians, dipshit.

Except Quinn's not dead. LOL

Ummm, Quinn didn't die.

It takes the BLM idiots a lot less than that to torch and loot entire cities.

That's racist!

The "viewers"? Maybe that's what you want, but the majority of the viewers want him to win…and keep on winning.

Trump will be your next President. Get used to it.

I know this post is over 6 months old, but Remy is not coming back. I'm actually glad because I couldn't stand him.

You do come off as angry. In EVERY post when you have to YELL some WORDS to get your POINT across. Lol
Just kidding. I do it myself. TOO much.

Yes it did. It confirmed that he is REAL, not necessarily that he was alive.