DB Cooper

No need to sear it after like you do a steak?

You may be right. I read that look as smug satisfaction at covering his tracks w/ dumb old Ernie.

Gene isn't reading a paperback novel. For reasons I'd love to learn more about, he's reading David Niven's 1972 memoir, The Moon's a Balloon.

Yes. The USA is completely blockaded by the Royal Navy - which is where Delaney is headed (after stopping at the Azores). All it takes is a single ship beating him there to spread the word to cancel his "safe passage." Though they clearly would've stopped/sunk him before he reached Portsmouth.

Unarmed and lightly-crewed ship sails down the Thames under light breezes.

There's no such thing as "IP theft."

Dayton is the home of Guided By Voices.

So the "up from bootstraps in the music biz" story (i.e. the Chubby Checker toilet story) was bullshit?

"later, in her arms."

That opening scene powerfully established these people as The Worst.

Fargo Season 16: Mastadon Massacre

Thanks. I saw that Todd had a tranq gun, but then they cut to a meat-filled table.

Most Real Americans don't know what a doula is.

"When in Fargo, guests of the Merv Griffin Show stay at the luxurious Pearl Hotel, on County Road 23."

IIRC, Hawley mentioned this, and said he couldn't afford all the period automobiles.

Why did they eat the bull? If they absolutely, positively had to have fresh beef, why not veal?

That said, many folks aligned with communists in the 30s (Spain) or even the 40s (Allies!) and were reasonably hesitant to completely walk that back just because Stalin "became Stalin."

That's a fucking awesome summary of the 1950s.

You pretty clearly don't understand what the word "coerced" means.

Coerced? You mean "I had to marry her so she'd sleep with me after two days?