
i mean i liked die hard as much as the next person but "greatest film director of all time" i hope that's sarcasm.

he wasn't not by a long shot ………….

I really enjoyed EWS, go watch it!

I've seen a lot of theatre i haven't been able to get tickets for at the cinema. As a non-US resident i have heard a lot of good things and wouldn't mind seeing this if they released it in the cinema.

I would agree that its not as good as D&C but its still a really fun and enjoyable film.

Apparently i count as a "millennial" scary.

god i wish there were some of those near where i lived!

non-sexualised boobs as well.


tasteful sideboob it is then

They won't spend a billion, they will probably be projecting AoU numbers and to maximise profits you wouldn't spend that kind of money pre-marketing. Esp if you take into account BvS figures (which they will).

Preacher is awesome, so maybe he should give up acting and concentrate on writing and directing

Is it wrong that i went, slightly naff high fantasy? Count me in!

It is such a good film. I avoided it for a while because all i heard about it was romance and then i got to watch it and i was like wow! I can't believe i avoided it for so long.

Escape while you can, there is a Peppa Pig world here (the other side of the atlantic) and apparently it's like the 4th circle of hell. Kids love it though.

I suspect that unfortunately yes we would.

I wish people would ignore her so she would just go away.

I think that comedy is very subjective, for example i have never found Will Ferrell funny whereas some hold him to be a comic genius. It a matter of taste.

well this is the internet

God i hope its good, firstly because good films are always welcome and secondly so that we can put all this shit to rest.