
I thought the same thing. She looked up at Finn and then into the camera - it could have been the ending. I'll probably wish it was if the next season is sloppy.

I wouldn't count out James. I do think it will be an amazing finale with Derek, Peta and Mark's choreography. Maks will feel that pressure and I wonder if he'll have his brother help or go conservative.

You lost me at narcissism - but, consistent with your choice of user name.

I agree. Everyone focused so much on Rachel getting Fanny when the real stretch was Kurt getting that job with few skills beyond loving fashion.

Glee is not a soap opera, or a procedural police drama, it is a comedy/drama/musical. An identifiable villian is not the norm.

Most people start a new dream once one has been achieved. But, I agree the writing on that was pretty sloppy. She's 19 years old and it is not unusual for young people to change their minds. Most college students change majors an average of two times before they graduate.

I don't know if that is always true. The "counter" doesn't need to be a person - that's easy. All of these characters fight with the idea of who they are and what they want to do. The internal struggle can be as interesting and engaging as the audience identifies with the character. For me, Sue's evilness started

I'm rarely entertained by mean. I actually believe people are mostly happy.

In spite of predictable storylines, I enjoyed the show. It was predictable that Rachel would be seduced by some fast-talking tv exec. to try out for tv - what young actor wouldn't be regardless of prior dreams; especially after her agent told her it wouldn't happen because her nose was too big. The character

Agree with Santana and Rachel being friends - odd but it works. Santana does have a goal/dream, but it's (revisiting Season 3) that she wants fame and it doesn't matter in what. It was encouraging to see her reflect a little on her behavior so that rather than thinking she is just the best at everything, she could

Rachel's dumb moves have always been motivated by insecurity and this was no different. She was told she has no "face for tv/movies" so she would be doing Broadway until she dies. So, when a fast-talking exec. offers her something else, she lost focus. This is not unheard of for Broadways stars - tv and film pay a

The actors are only as good as the scripts, especially in a one-hour tv show. I thought Lea was brilliant in both the scenes and the singing. I also think several of the other cast members are great at both singing and acting and have successful careers post-Glee.

I think ego is a wrong word choice. She is confident as she needs to be to take on the vulnerability of live performances. I think this episode did a great job in presenting that side of show business. Self doubt can be paralyzing. Old Glee line: if you don't believe in yourself, why should anyone else.

Rain falling on Rachel's parade would have been too predictable. It would be interesting to see how she reacts to having her dream come true. Is it all she thought it would be or will it be "and this is all there is?". Plus, will her achievement be a motivator to the other characters? How will that change them?

Better question - why did you read the article and feel the need to post absolutely nothing of value?

No way. Rachel does not need a boyfriend this season. It will do her good to go it alone for awhile and focus on her career and school.

That was so ridiculous. Then he was trying to pimp out the coach. I like Artie, but he didn't get the greatest scripts. I think he has the better voice of the guys.

This is great. Artie didn't try to compete with Rachel so there isn't a negative history for them to deal with. I like this friendship.

Rachel's singing was amazing in this episode. People and the duet with Artie are on constant replay. Downtown was amazing as well.

and to be consist with the scripting, it will be Rachel's fault. There must be at least one other person on this show who can pick up a little of that in the blamegame.