
YES. I think the show is far more brutal to people who have experienced certain kinds of loss. It feels punishing.

Well, that explains why this show makes me feel fucking awful. I'm not convinced the series deserves such a thoughtful review, but you make me want to love it. I already have to contend with this shit on a daily basis, so I'm not sure I have a desire to have my face rubbed in it on TV. I have my father's ashes on my

I have to say, having watched all seasons of Lost, that I am completely uninterested in a series which leaves all of Chekov's guns unfired for "symbolic" reasons. I hope that won't be the case with this series. You have to be a very deft writer to leave all mysteries unsolved and still make a solid story. The show is

For me, it's not the acting that takes me out of the scenes (though it's true Eva Green is running circles around him), it's the ridiculous styling. The leather pants and boy band haircut are the kind of seductive I would have been into at 14, but they make no sense within this world and aren't half as intriguing and

Yeah, that scene where she asks Sir Malcolm girlishly if he likes her outfit was odd and left a weird taste in my mouth. But on the other hand, perhaps it's meant to show the abilities of D. Grey who seems to be able to both lower inhibitions and raise libido.

She really does. Some of this dialogue would fall utterly flat without her performance, but she sells it like crazy (no pun intended)!

I'd agree, but with only three episodes left, I wonder if they'll have room for it all!

True enough, but the stealing (besides the hairbrush) and lying don't appear to be *huge* themes. I'm just wandering if there's something to the sex in particular that will come to light later—succubi, black widow, etc…

I don't have a problem with it, I'm just not seeing the connection there. Is it Dracula bringing the sex? Is the Egyptian demon she might be possessed by associated with fertility? I'm thinking it may have something to do with the "mother" Fenton was talking about.

What I don't get is why Vanessa's demon is so sex obsessed. That's the only confusing me a little.

Yes. It's a longshot, but you never know! I still think he's killing people in one way or another, but perhaps his father and the authorities hadn't discovered that.

Yes! I want to like Dorian Grey and I think the actor plays him well, but those clothes and hairstyle are so distracting.

I'm so used to the television status quo of two white guys flirting in "no homo" ways that the kiss smacked me right upside the head. Bless this show!

Well, I was pretty shocked about the kiss, but not for narrative reasons. I was blown away that the queer subtext of the scene became text! While I'm not sure it made sense plot-wise (nothing gets a guy hotter than remembering his murders?), I was pleasantly surprised that a romantic scene between men was, for once,

Great review. Enjoyed these recaps.

I disagree. I watched the show and the way nudity was used completely took away my enjoyment of this episode. So it was relevant to me, and I'm glad he discussed it. I do think it's silly to bring up ratio though, since the problem is not that there aren't an equal number of wangs being shown, but rather how poorly

That being said, I'm pleased that I can now use the phrase 'penis leeches' in conversation.

I love nudity! But I tend to enjoy my nudity when it's not nude slaves, impoverished hookers, and nudes warming a man up for castration—call me crazy!

Ugh, I can barely look at him!

Yup. And isn't it curious that everyone in this society is nearly hairless? Men and women. Guess they have a surplus of body wax.