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    Bear Patrol!!

    But the case files were in Eden Valley under Gloria's control.

    *Steve Jobs being fired and starting a new company, I forgot what it was called.*

    They still do it but not skinny dipping. Nephew jumped off the ledges there last fall,.

    If she is a spy then she is terrible at it because they are watching Breaking Away in which "IU" is said a countless number of times throughout that movie.

    Either the writers screwed up or Renee screwed up big time, Bloomington, Indiana is the home of Indiana University AKA IU not known as Renne put it "U of I".

    Last night's episode was the first time (that I have seen) where they let in an obvious modern item into a scene. In the scene where Elizabeth is watching the house from afar, the family walks right in front of a modern basketball hoop (Gorilla Basketball system). One of the full glass backboard with the gas piston

    Does the captioner see the actual scene or is there a script to follow? I ask because could the captioner have misdescribed the wave crash as a gunshot?

    I mentioned it further down the thread. The CC actually says gunshot echoes which through us for a loop.

    The gunshot echoes CC came a split second after the wave crashed into the big rock. My wife and I debated whether the CC misinterpreted the wave crashing or something that got removed post production but after the CC was done.

    Quick Question, Has there been talk about the ending scene where Celeste collapses forward and the closed captioning states gunshot echoes.?

    Found this article about the trailers and what did not make the movie.

    Did I miss it or did they cut the scene of the Tie Fighter hovering while Jyn was on the walkway to the dish coordination station?

    Those Bolton hounds are sure magical. They disappeared right when the fight started.

    Thank you.

    Can someone please tell me how Stan found the second apartment? The one where there was no tape in the answering machine.

    Thank you

    Did Hanzee call someone "friendo" or was that my imagination?

    Noah was a faithful husband