
It's like, it's not that hard to make the date thing make sense. Just put a secret journal entry signed by Washington with the date at the top.

You know they're bound to kill Jenny in the finalé though.

Why do I have to read the phrase "bleeding heart liberal" around seventy times per hour whenever I go on an American forum/community page?

"There is a lot of slow motion. The episodes were often running up to 8 minutes under. The only way to stretch them out was with slow motion. We tried to keep the slow motion away from dialogue as much as possible, but anything without dialogue was considered for slow motion."

It's a flippin relief that these guys don't keep plot details to themselves for no discernible reason. I'm sick of it… "ooh, the evil bad guy told me a secret, but I must protect my friends so I cannot tell them, but now the bad guy will use the fact that I didn't tell them as a way to drive a wedge between us"… yawn.

Try and write tomorrow's date… I dare you. It's impossible, your hand will fight you and possibly stab you in the eye with a biro. Also, militias with a thing for hot black girls… who knew?

You're not familiar with how billionaires live are you?

Yeah, the subject of the clause is 'viewers' (it being the head of the noun phrase '3 million viewers') so therefore they should have used the plural conjugation (ha) of the verb (which is 'cramp'). It looks like the writer got thrown off by their use of 'one's' afterwards.

You should, it's awesome… wait… which version, the proper one or the rip off?

Continuum and Orphan Black are winning Sci-Fi at the moment.

It's supposed to be deep or something cause his mum got killed by chainsaws, and now he works with them. In essence, it's the exact same thing Bruce Wayne did in Batman Begins.

It's not actually that funny when you take the intended sarcastic subtext and strip out all the subbyness and all the sarcasm and just plainly state the exact same message as was intended in the first place, with the addition of a swear word. Just a thought.

I think they should have ditched Aidan and kept Ashley. Not only is the show lacking in the gender ratio these days, you've now got three men fawning over Emily (yes, I'm counting Daniel), and one more as an Emily groupie. It's also running out of subplots since few of the supporting actors have much non-Emily story

I actually want more Charlie now. She's all kinds of awesome these days.

It makes a sort of sense, assuming that America continued its outsourcing of labour and manufacturing, that when it lost the technological edge, it would suffer compared to states such as Mexico who weren't so dependent upon electricity and had an agricultural infrastructure in place.

I'm gonna agree with this. The soldiers were likely a trial run for the general public rollout of PAX

Do we know that the president is male? Or is female an option too?

Revenge likes to do its wet work in the actual wet.

I loved the fact that Aidan thought what most of us did, that she was faking. I think we all had a collective 'really? amnesia?' moment when he found out.

I doubt anyone would remember how they came to be knocked unconscious. Since information is held in the equivalent of the brain's RAM disk for a few seconds before it's transferred to storage. Any loss of consciousness would stop that process.