
They do say that more fabric = more germs to spread, although from the look of her, might not matter…

We'll name a bench after them.

Break out the New Year's Jackson5-marionette costume! God damnit LaToya, come on!

I like that show. Besides, it's nice to have women telling the sexist jokes for once.

That show was supposed to be a comedy?… damn

Super kyut!

Futurama also deserved (yet again) in brackets. Is there any network which hasn't cancelled that show yet?

And that show continued while the same network cancelled 'The Middleman'.

…it took me too long to stop laughing at the first sentence, by the time I'd gotten to the second I'd forgotten ;)

Yeah, it was a shame to split them up, but Sam would have been lost in the shuffle if they didn't.

Because a woman's weight is everybody's concern. We don't need to know anything about their personal situation, their metabolism, all we need to do is cast judgement on them and either call them anorexic, or post pictures of them on celeb sites and start fat-shaming. Why can't all these women adhere to the razor-edge

I really think this has been their best season. It got a bit outlandish, sure, but it reminded me of what Alias could have been if it hadn't gotten so awful.

The creators said they wanted to do more with the rift between Alex and Nikita, and I think that could have been interesting. Rather than make it a trick like they did, Alex's disputes with Nikita made perfect sense, and I would have liked to have seen a proper power struggle between the two since Alex always seemed

Reminds me Emmanuel Goldstein's book from 1984.

They actually do. The Kinect 2 can monitor your level of attention and facial expressions during adverts. It's no small leap to imagine that being used for such purposes.

But think about it, the whole point isn't that this existence was thrust upon us, the point is that we choose it. We isolate ourselves from actual interaction, we spend our time earning money to buy shit we don't need, we dream of fame or fortune coming along to take us away from our lives at the expense of actually

TV will catch up soon it seems, and since it's likely he's already written synopses for the end of the series, if you're a TV viewer, there's probably no need to panic.

How long did you spend learning French to be able to understand the show?

I know. The hate for Andrea and Lori was untenable. The only way some of the viewers seem to 'tolerate' a female character is if they're either a faceless lackey who never questions the lead men, or they're an unreachable fantasy of warrior princess with zero emotional content.

That Circle Takes the Square t-shirt is awesome.