Richard S

I completely agree, having had grown up in a small rural town in New England similar to size and population of SH, the ratio of white to any other ethnicity in general was extremely believable in that sense. And we did see a few minor characters introduced played by actors of different ethnicities, such as Paris'

While I believe this is the best and most exciting return to the original format of horror and mystery for the show since the second season, there's just some storylines and character inclusions I don't believe mesh with the particular season in the series universe, such as..
-How come the only ghosts to make any

I'm almost certain that the production cue is referring to the seven people who have specifically spent time in the house as either the actor, or real life counter part and is just another one of this seasons easter eggs that refers the #6. Seven enter, one leaves, six dead.

For some of the commenters who are complaining about Lange being typecast, I think there may be a different way of looking at it. All these articles are popping up stating that RM claims each season of AHS is connected in one way or another. And from I've seen, theres a very strong connection between the characters

I don't think Tommy was out just for revenge, he had multiple opportunities throughout the season to just kill Nucky in cold blood. Tommy tried to give Nucky a shot at redemption by asking for his help at different times but instead just kept getting money shoved in his face and being told to go away. Something I