Dean Morgan

Oh I'm extremely familiar. The only thing more bewildering than Davis Aurini's bugnuts ideological beliefs is his complete and utter lack of basic competence as a filmmaker.

Considering how much of a hilarious shitshow the last crowdfunded alt-right documentary was, I'm ready to break out the popcorn.

God Particle, the next film in the Cloverfield universe, is set to come out Oct 27, and the premise and cast make me optimistic.

That dick joke was probably the most overt example of uncomfortable racial dynamics so far, but I have to say, it's by no means the first I've noticed—which is kind of the problem of setting your story in the Old West, even if it's a diegetically fake Old West. The Native American hosts seem to only be filling typical…

It's almost as if all the sexual encounters in the show have to cater to the male gaze.

I really hope all that sarcasm from Hughes and Stubbs wasn't really flirting. Hughes's clearly established sapphic desires aside, I'm getting sick of media that treats "antagonistic banter between a man and a woman" and "flirting" as interchangeable.