Robin Marshall


I agree with the rushed argument. I don't think they did the best job with the pacing this season. Then again: it did prove a rather packed and exciting finish to what was a bit of an uneven season. It was quite the interesting finale, to be sure.

OPRAH: everybody gets a STAB!!!

I really hope someone or something—human, giant, white-walker—rips every single appendage of Alliser Thorne slowly and methodically.

I started listening to Angel Dust last week, after a hiatus of some fifteen years.
I had forgotten just how good that album is.

"it can be easy
to overlook the sheer difficulty of mounting a new live show every week,
and how much work goes into making sure an episode progresses smoothly
and quickly."

I really, really dislike the whole Ramsay/Theon bullshit. And not the sort of "I love to hate JR Ewing" sort of dislike, either. I loathe that crap. So this season has been a bit hard to process thus far. (Too much fucking Bolton/Reek!!!)

Good grief: Seth Rogan is in this???

You watch Thrones with your mom? Gotta be just slightly uncomfortable whenever a fully naked woman comes (heh-heh: "comes") on-screen—which is approximately every fifteen minutes).

I have yet to see this. And yet I already know it's at least 100 times better than the shitty prequels.

For years, I predicted Don would succumb to fatal lung cancer. There were even hacking moments in previous episodes that appeared to foreshadow such a fate.

I've wondered the same thing, Doublejeans. (I lean toward "yes.")

They've come up to my neck of the woods—Saskatoon SK Canada- for casting calls for indigenous peeps.

"What does Qyburn have under that sheet? WHAT DOES QYBURN HAVE UNDER THAT SHEET?!?"
Why, it's The Mountain of course! AKA: Frankenstein's monster.

Aww, MAN! How did I MISS that??

John, Your review proved a highly perceptive, intelligent examination. Bravo! A rewarding read, indeed.


This is besides the point—might actually bring more validity to said point—but hot damn, she's sure purty!

Uh, yup, actually! But not in the way he meant it, perhaps. (Just how in the first season, it was the very beginning of 1960, which, truly, was still the 50s. Fifties mentality; fifties fashion, etc. Decades take a year or two or three to form their own…"definition.")

Shit! Is she, really?? I had no idear!