Paul Stewart

I am Scottish, but can do a mean South African/New Zealand/Australian accent…and I really like and or need money!

Nolte may be crazy, but Wood is always the evil personality!

I would love to see Paddington riff on Danger Zone!

Is there really a right amount?

While I don't think DOFP was shit, I do wish Marvel had all the rights that really are rightfully theirs to do the right thing with!

Maeby Michael will appear in a later film as Rogue's half cousin whom he has a crush on, with the special power of emotionless expressions and boring people with in a 5 m radius!

I love your passion man, so passionate until the mention of Reddit membershiperage! (is that even a muthaflippin word?)

I love the Idi Amin line! ALways makes me chuckle and the other one about "The use of illusion could confuse Confucius"…sidelined by talking bout Chance there! WHAT! BARK!



Often it's meant to be verging on ridiculous…I mean I know they take their music seriously, but they often (particularly on the older stuff - first 2 albums) really played on many Metal cliches and did it with humour. I've always found it weird that I like them so much but I think it's because they sound like they