
I'm probably going going to seeing this entire movie in gifsets on tumblr

Everytime Cosima cries my heart just BREAKS.

oh god, so true

Yeah agreed. Nobody can play doubles as convincingly as Tatiana

I agree with the 3rd thing, but Jane's a parent and I know my own parents are more than willing to spend money on me but are very frugal with their own spending.

So apparently Oliva and Fitz don't see Hollis as competition AT ALL?

2 things:

Tbf some parents might have a "my kid can do no wrong" kinda attitude, so they might've only seen it from that pov

The threat is coming from INSIDE THE WALLS lol.

Not Jane the Virgin (I mean there's the core love triangle but even that's pretty much over for now) or The 100

God the laurel wes kiss was so eurgh I had to skip that part

Alie seems to be pretty desperate to recruit city of light residents, so yeah I don't trust her either.

I legit thought they were gonna make out at the end, but holy hell the tension is DEF there.

I thought she'd get pregnant w/ Bell's kid and THEN die, but this is just as brutal

OK BUT NOBODY SAW THE LEXA KNEELING SCENE COMING, RIGHT?!? My jaw legit dropped. FUck that was good. And lol 'clexa is back' trended worldwide for a bit there.

You're right. It DOES look like a hallmark channel movie

my love for this show never ceases to amaze me. How tf did I end up liking Petra so much. HOW.

I want a spin off of Mellie and Susan Ross pwning in the govt.

he did try to pull that scheme over Petra, and the Lachlan thing WITH petra

there WAS that brief thing with Rogelio and scientology