
Really? I kind of think they have great chemistry together. And I don't think Diane is humiliated by him as much as her own preconceived notions about their relationship. I loved the scene with her liberal friends where she stands up for McVeigh. But to each their own, I guess.

The recent reset paid off, ratings are definitely up a bit.

I almost wanted the Diane Lockhart, state judge spinoff…just because it would be awesome to see her and Gary Cole in their own little show.

Yeah, Michelle and Robert King (the co-creators) have said they regret the name. It made sense at the time, but did less as it grew into what it is now. But I guess "Alicia Florrick, J.D." doesn't have quite the ring to it.

Yeah, I love the show and I have a penis…but you're right, almost anything with a female protagonist that isn't sci-fi (strangely Orphan Black doesn't get this complaint as much) is a woman's show. Its like this guy I went on a college road-trip that complained my mix CDs contained female artists like Fiona Apple and

I go for the "it's the real descendant of the wire" argument, but it falls on deaf ears. I went to college in the Midwest and have convinced a couple of people to watch it because its a real "Chicago" show in a lot of ways. It's just funny to me that so many people watch and complain about "Walking Dead," and when I

Such a good show! When I tell people I watch this show, I get so many odd looks, but they just don't know. It really uses the strength of the procedural and the narrative arcs of a cable series in such an intelligent, entertaining way that in many ways its better than both.